The Peace Vision
We are losing the war. Not just the war in Afghanistan, but the war against war itself - the Peace War. One hundred and fourteen members of Congress voted …
Militarization and the Authoritarian Right
Yes, former Bush administration speechwriter and current Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen's demand that “WikiLeaks Must Be Stopped” is, as his colleague Eva Rodriguez notes, "more than a little …
How Many Iraqis Did We “Liberate” From Life on Earth?
Is there a man or woman in America today who is willing to stand at noon in the public square and claim that demands to bomb, invade, and occupy …
Conservatives Go After Judges Who Rule In Favor Of Marriage Equality
On Wednesday, Vaughn Walker, chief judge of the Federal District Court in San Francisco, issued a landmark ruling declaring the state’s ban on marriage equality unconstitutional and without any …
Job Loss Sends Employment Ratio Downward
Temporary employment is falling rapidly, suggesting weaker job growth ahead.
Dodd-Frank Financial “Reform” Act May Force Companies to Clean Up Their Act
Wall Street lobbyists may have successfully managed to emasculate most of the important parts of the financial reform bill just passed by Congress last month, but one part of …
What the Heck Are US Marines Doing in Costa Rica?
The USS Makin Island, an amphibious assault aircraft carrier, is an intimidating ship. Built by Northrup Grumman, Makin Island is 45,000 tons of cold steel and has living quarters …
Pentagon Threatens to “Compel” WikiLeaks to Hand Over Afghan War Data
With WikiLeaks on the verge of publishing another cache of secret Afghan war documents 20 times larger than its original leak, the Pentagon said Thursday that it may "compel …
The International Violence Against Women Act: Could IVAWA Save Guatemala From Femicide?
In February, a bill entitled the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA) was introduced in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate. A remarkably comprehensive and progressive …
The Late, Unlamented, Not-Really-a-Climate-Change Bill
Last week, Senate majority leader Harry Reid glumly announced that the Democratic leadership lacked the votes to push through even truncated carbon-limiting legislation, which would have called for carbon …