David Sirota | It’s the Stupidity, Stupid
Redistributionist - as epithets go, the moniker is so mild, so...2008. Today, we're hammered by screeds against Democrats' alleged socialism and President Obama's supposed Marxism. The class war is …
Eugene Robinson | The Mondo-Bizarro Campaign
Washington - With their “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” this weekend, political satirists Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are late to the party. This weird campaign has been …
Poll: Boxer Leads Fiorina by Eight Points in California Senate Race
With stronger backing from women and independent voters, Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer has jumped to an eight-percentage-point lead over her GOP rival, former businesswoman Carly Fiorina, according to the …
Why Is the Public Sector Under Attack?
As the French continue mass protests to keep their job benefits and the retirement age at 60, here in the U.S., government employees are under attack for collecting big …
Selling the “Founding Principles” Like a Used Car
The government they devised was defective from the start, requiring several amendments, a civil war, and major social transformations to attain the system of constitutional government and its respect …
Ruth Marcus | In Defense of Anita Hill
Washington - I was in the room 19 years ago when Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas testified about things I never imagined I'd hear discussed in public, no less …
China Plays Tug-of-War With US Inspectors Over Drywall
A federal investigation into contaminated Chinese-made drywall has been a long, hard tug-of-war for U.S. investigators trying to pry information from Chinese government officials and manufacturers. When a team …
All They Ask for Is an Unfair Advantage
I attended a screening this week of Alex Gibney's new documentary, “Client 9.” It's the story of the rise and fall of New York State Gov. Eliot Spitzer, brought …
The Taliban Might Negotiate, Even if They Think They’re Winning
You can't follow US print media coverage of the war in Afghanistan for any length of time without running into some variation of the following assertion: "The Taliban …
Foreclosuregate Explained: Big Banks on the Brink
Scandal is spreading across Wall St. like a very bad case of poison ivy. A rash of fraudulent home foreclosures has exposed some of the nation's biggest banks to …