Chomsky: “The Business Elites … Are Instinctive Marxists“
Acclaimed philosopher and activist Noam Chomsky is Institute Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He shared his perspectives on international affairs, economics and other themes …
Ban on Genetically Modified Salmon Proposed in Senate Despite Powerful Biotech Lobby
Big biotech companies that develop genetically modified (GM) organisms have spent more than half a billion dollars on campaign contributions and lobbying in the past decade, raising concerns about …
Hateful Days
There is a great deal of hate in my heart today. Not the healthiest condition to find myself in, but these things sometimes cannot be helped. The hate is …
A Lesson in US Job Creation: The Civilian Conservation Corps
How could the Obama Administration have spent two years in office and forgotten to create any visible new jobs for the millions of unemployed Americans? Nothing contributed as much …
Behind the Layoffs at KPFA Radio
In a move eerily reminiscent of events a decade ago that kicked off the long struggle over control of the Pacifica listener-supported radio network, Pacifica Foundation executives moved to …
Check Please! Workers, Activists Nationwide Take Action Against Wage Theft
San Francisco, with its Victorian buildings and ethnic neighborhoods, each with a personality of its own, has long been a destination spot for tourists. Every year the city’s Chinatown …
Obama Wooing “Economic Royalists“
In his first term, President Franklin Roosevelt denounced “the economic royalists.” He drew the line against the heartless rich: "They are unanimous in their hate for me - and …
Did the Rich Cause the Deficit?
Washington is inundated with deficit commissions. The country has piled up a huge debt because we cut taxes for the wealthy and borrowed to make up the difference. But …
News in Brief: Jobless-Benefits Bill Rejected, and More …
Jobless-Benefits Bill Rejected
Congress Urged to Pass DREAM Act During Lame-Duck Session
Education Secretary Arne Duncan today called for Congress to pass the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, a bill that would provide certain inadmissible immigrant students …