US Mayors Call for End to Wars and Nuclear Weapons
Mayors from around the country gather at the United States Conference of Mayors in Baltimore, June 17, 2011. (Photo: Monica Lopossay / The New York Times) Peace …
Source of Missing Jobs in America Found: Forced Laborers
With unemployment at a near historic high in the United States, could you imagine any American company bringing in foreign workers to work for them below the minimum wage …
“Standstill Nation” as the New Abnormal? The Truth Behind Gridlock
On Sunday, the New York Times closed out its “Week in Review” section after a run of 76 years. With Republicans and most Democrats back singing the praises of …
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker to Cut Medicaid Without Public Hearings
Republicans argue that states are the “laboratories of democracy” that should be charged with developing new, innovative ways for delivering quality health care more efficiently. But that point is …
Florida Governor Scott is Sued by Teachers’ Union
The Florida Education Associate announced today it has filed a class action lawsuit against Gov. Rick Scott and other trustess of the state retirement plan for unconstitutionally imposing a …
“The Fight-Back Has Begun” to Reclaim the American Dream
An email the Campaign for America's Future sent to its supporters a few weeks ago with the subject line “How Would You Take Back The American Dream?” kicked off …
Clarence Thomas Decided Three Cases Where AEI Filed a Brief After AEI Gave Him a $15,000 Gift
In 2001, a conservative, corporate-aligned think tank called the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) gave Justice Clarence Thomas the gift of a $15,000 bust of Abraham Lincoln. At the ceremony …
Open Lands, Closed Books
A series of reports by the Oakland Institute charge that several prominent American universities — including Harvard and Vanderbilt Universities and Spelman College — are investing in hedge funds …
The Mouth That Roared Begins a New “Countdown“
Keith Olbermann returned to cable television on Monday mad as hell and pointedly madder than other self-described liberal anchors on his former channel, MSNBC.
“Aftershock: The Next Economy and America’s Future“
(Image: Knopf) “Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future” is the Truthout Progressive Pick of the Week. The Federal Reserve Board, arguably the most …