The New Sputnik
In 1957, a United States shocked by the Soviet launch of the Sputnik 1 satellite bounced into action to compete on the world stage. More than 50 years later, …
Suffering at Work: Break the Taboo
Unions continue to raise the alarm over incidents of extreme suffering at work and to point to the prevailing management model as responsible. In Renault factories, workers and executives, …
Beyond the Surface of Egypt’s Sectarian Clashes
I am confident that Islam prohibits attacking churches and harming innocent civilians, and hence Egyptian Muslims should not be put forced to defend themselves or their religion. …
The Crash and Burn of Old Regimes
The killing of Osama bin Laden, “a testament to the greatness of our country” according to President Obama, should not be allowed to obscure a central reality of our …
Single-Payer Health Care Rises Again
(Photo: Ernie|Bert) Ever so slowly, our national dialogue is turning away from dead terrorists and Pakistani collusion to the issues facing the American people right here at …
The Urgent New Reality for US Labor Unions
The recent shakeup in Wisconsin is likely a preliminary tremor that predicts a larger earthquake. And like all natural disasters, the events in Wisconsin jolted people awake to grapple …
Will the Courts Wreck Health Care?
As if our political system was not having enough trouble already, we now confront the possibility that a highly partisan judiciary will undo a modest health care reform that …
Boehner’s Unreality Check
Washington - The news out of House Speaker John Boehner's speech to the New York Economic Club was his demand for “cuts of trillions, not just billions” before the …
The Tenfold Path to Guts, Solidarity and the Defeat of the Corporate Elite
Many Americans know that the United States is not a democracy but a “corporatocracy,” in which we are ruled by a partnership of giant corporations, the extremely wealthy elite …
Helping the Neediest Among Us
Yachts docked at Corpus Christi, Texas. (Photo: Jim Nix / Nomadic Pursuits) To be fair to lawmakers, it's not easy making the tough spending choices in these …