
The Declaration of Independence Is a Beacon to the World: Thoughts on True American Democracy From Aboard the Gaza Flotilla
Yes, that was I standing before the U.S. Embassy in Athens on the eve of the July Fourth weekend holding the American flag in the distress mode — upside …

Princess, Dominatrix, Forever Young: The New Feminine Mystique
(Image: JR / Truthout; Adapted: Loz Flowers, Mickipedia) In the 1970s, social upsurge pulled millions of working-class women, including me, into the second wave of feminism. Sparked …

The New War of Independence – Against Corporate Politics
(Photo: factoids) This is the age of corporatized politics. That means we may admire our leaders, but we can't depend on them. We're paying the price for …

King George III Won: Happy Fourth of July!
The Declaration of Independence is best remembered as a declaration of war, a war declared on the grounds that we wanted our own flag. The sheer stupidity and anachronism …

I Pledge Allegiance to the Pole
(Photo: Micah Taylor) There is a telephone pole outside my house - seven steps down the front porch, one step across the sidewalk, and there it is …

Ending Nuclear Evil
Titan Nuclear Missile Museum, Tucson, Arizona. The US has allocated $185 billion to augment its nuclear stockpile over the next decade, on top of the ordinary annual nuclear-weapons budget …

We Must Stop the Building of a Plutonium Bomb Factory in Fire Country
(Photo: lert / Flickr) The Las Conchas Fire in New Mexico is still burning. It is rapidly growing by the day. On June 29, I did a …

From Fukushima to Disarmament
(Photo: kawamoto takuo / Flickr) Months after the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima compounds the humanitarian tragedy and …

Gaza and Thoughts of a Starving Ireland
(Photo: RafahKid Kid / Flickr) Thinking further here in Athens about how it came to be that I joined the passengers on “The Audacity of Hope” and …

The Not-So-Loyal Opposition
In the debt-ceiling debate Republicans are holding the country hostage again, demanding that the country shift to a radical pro-big-corporate/big-wealth agenda as the ransom. At the same time the …