
Why the GOP Aims to Sink the Economy
“Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.” ~ Mark Twain ~ If our …

Ballpark Liturgy: America’s New Civic Religion
Fenway Park, Boston, July 4, 2011. On this warm summer day, the Red Sox will play the Toronto Blue Jays. First come pre-game festivities, especially tailored for …

Yes to Moderation, No to Centrism
Washington - What the country yearns for is moderation. What we hear about is the political center. But centrism has become the enemy of moderation. Moderation in …

Debt Madness Was Always About Killing Social Security
This phony debt crisis has now passed through the looking glass into the realm where madness reigns. What should have been an uneventful moment in which lawmakers make good …

America Held Hostage to Two-Party Failure: Government of, by and for the Corporations
President Barack Obama meets with Congressional leaders in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington about raising the national debt limit on July 13, 2011. From left: …

How to Save the US Labor Movement
Protesters demonstrate against provisions of Governor Walker's Budget Repair Bill, February 2011, Madison, Wisconsin. The bill all but eliminated collective bargaining for public unions in the state. The labor …

The Republican Party No Longer Has Its Country’s Best Interests at Heart
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) speaks during a press conference with other House Republicans on Capitol Hill in Washington on July 19, 2011. (Photo: Philip Scott Andrews / The …

America’s Shameful Leadership
OK, Barack Obama has not exactly turned out to be Mount Rushmore material, but — good God! — the petulant pettiness of right-wing Republican congressional leaders has turned them …

Even Birds Have Withdrawn From Afghanistan
Comparing the brain sizes of migratory birds and US presidents may not help explain this one. Birds have been avoiding Afghanistan for some years now. Afghans with …

The Biggest Driver in the Deficit Battle: Standard & Poor’s
(Photo: What What) If you think deficit-reduction is being driven by John Boehner or Harry Reid, think again. The biggest driver right now is Standard & Poor's. …