Austeridiocy: Budget Cuts Take Money Out of the Economy
“The patient is sicker so we have to apply more leeches.” Countries that are trying to fix deficits with spending cuts are finding out that taking money out of …
Higher Retirement Age? Lower Benefits? The President Says You Won’t “Notice“
Back in my corporate days I sat in a boardroom with one of the most powerful and fearsome CEOs in the country. He had called in the executives that …
Downgrade of US Credit Rating Is Baseless – Âand Outrageous
(Image: Cartoon Arts International / The New York Times Syndicate) Standard & Poor’s has gone ahead with the threatened downgrade of the United States’ credit rating. It’s …
Straw Poll Winner – Obama
Republican presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) thanks her supporters after winning the Iowa straw poll of Republican presidential candidates in Ames, Iowa, Aug. 13, 2011. Bachmann's high-intensity, Tea …
Want to See How the Kochs Are Ending Public Education?
The Koch brothers have more than $42 billion to make public policy out of their anti-government ideology, and their assault against public education epitomizes their tactics to remake our …
Rick Perry: Tax the Poor!
Washingotn - Really? Of all the ills in the world, of all the problems with the economy, all the difficulties with the tax code, this is the one that …
Why the New Health Care Law Should Have Been Based on Medicare (and What Democrats Should Have Learned by Now)
Two appellate judges in Atlanta — one appointed by President Bill Clinton and one by George H.W. Bush – have just decided the Constitution doesn’t allow the federal government …
America’s Illegal Foreclosure Epidemic
Two-year-olds often go running around the house too wildly and crash into something. They get an “ouchie” and fall down crying, but they learn from it. That's …
Vice President of NRA, Wayne LaPierre: Old Dog, Old Tricks
To quote Lawrence O'Donnell from his show back in February, Wayne LaPierre is “Washington's lobbyist in favor of murderer's rights, always to use the gun of their choice.” There …
The Problem With Affirmative Action
(Photo: _Davo_) Henry Louis Gates Jr., the famed African-American literary scholar and director of the Du Bois Institute at Harvard University, recently reflected the following in an …