For Economic Reasons, Israel, US, Should Support Palestinian Statehood
Who could have imagined even a year ago that the Arab Spring would blow a fresh wind across the Middle East, opening minds and hearts to new possibilities? Now, …
Only Conservatives Can End the Death Penalty
Washington - How can we end the death penalty in the United States? Every so often, one capital case receives wide attention and makes a public spectacle …
Nothing but Dogs in This Hunt
Washington - Here's my question for the Republican Party: How's that Rick Perry stuff workin' out for ya? You'll recall that Sarah Palin asked a similar question …
Who Will Eclipse America?
Washington DC – According to Voltaire, the Roman Empire fell “because all things fall.” It is hard to argue with this as a general statement about decline: nothing lasts …
Two Heads of One Political Monster
By now, probably everyone reading this is already sick of America's quadrennial political spectacle — the one in which politicians and media outlets ask us to believe that there …
Closing America’s Growth Deficit
The New York Stock Exchange. (Photo: JoePhilipson) Milan - As the American economy continues to sputter three years after the global financial crisis erupted, one thing has …
Class Warfare My Ass
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a Republican presidential candidate, speaks at the Florida P5 Faith and Freedom Coalition Kick-Off event at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, Florida, September …
Wall Street Vampires
Vampires. Thieves of the night. As sunlight is said to be deadly to them, these mythical creatures venture out to drain the blood from their innocent victims only when …
Is the “Special Relationship” Becoming Too Expensive?
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. (Photo: World Economic Forum / Flickr) The wave of popular uprisings across the Middle East created many new spaces for popular …
Lockheed Martin’s CEO Wants Your Social Security Check
The law that created the deficit committee also created a zero-sum game: Any expensive program that escapes the budget knife does so at the expense of cuts to other …