Occupying Corporations: How to Cut Corporate Power
“Corporations are people, my friend.” Mitt Romney at Iowa State Fair(1) Corporations are obviously not people. But Romney is correct in the sense that corporations have hijacked most of …
The Republican Implosion Myth: How Republicans Are Winning
Fidel Castro dubbed this year’s Republican primary as the “greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance the world has ever seen.” We as a nation gave him that line by …
Study of Humanities Key to US Economic Success
President Obama recently called for recruiting and training 100,000 new science, math, technology and engineering teachers over the next 10 years. It seems the nation has forgotten the importance …
Rush is Right
Rush is right. Young, single educated women are trying to take away his freedom. People like Sandra Fluke, who rationally explained the personal economics of obtaining a drug that …
Where’s the Outrage?
Washington - How's this for political cowardice? Right-wing bloviator Rush Limbaugh launches a vile attack, full of sexual insults and smarmy innuendo, against a young woman whose only offense …
In Troubled Europe, Agonizing Options
(Image: CartoonArts International / The New York Times Syndicate) Daniel Davies, an analyst and member of the “Crooked Timber” blogging group, had a very good post published …
The Privatization of Everything
No society can aspire to democracy unless it maintains an unbreakable connection between its politics and its police powers. Once the populace has no political access to policy …
The Violence of Andrew Breitbart
If nothing else, Breitbart lived his work out loud.
A Brief History of the Education Culture Wars: On Santorum’s Legacy, the GOP and School Reform
Rick Santorum speaking at a rally in Phoenix, Arizona. (Photo: Gage Skidmore / Flickr) Judging by the applause lines at GOP campaign stops and debates this winter, …
Thanks to “Tax Notes”
In my post this morning on dynamic scoring and how to turn the United States into something closer to Greece, I requested that the publication Tax Notes bring an …