Why JPMorgan May Be Getting Off Easy
Last Friday JPMorgan Chase reached a tentative $13 billion settlement with federal prosecutors for its alleged manipulation of mortgage securities, which helped trigger the Great Recession.
Glenn Greenwald: US Spying on Allies Shows “Institutional Obsession” With Surveillance
The spat over U.S. spying on Germany grew over the weekend following reports the NSA has monitored the phone calls of Chancellor Angela Merkel since as early as 2002, …
Calls for Immigration Reform Ramp Up, but What Fuels Migration to US?
Peter Watt: Neoliberal economic policies like NAFTA drove Mexico into deeper poverty, fueling an exodus to the US.
Peter Dreier on a New Generation of Activists
Historian Peter Dreier shares why heu2019s optimistic about Americau2019s future, including dynamic grass-roots initiatives around the country and, believe it or not, the radical politics of Dr. Seuss.
Parents Organize Boycott to End Standardized Testing of Four-Year-Olds
New York School believed to be first to reject testing in grades K-2, principal and 90 percent of parents support boycott and hope it helps spark nationwide movement.
“How Do You Justify Killing a Grandmother?” Amnesty Says US Drone Strikes May Be War Crimes
Amnesty International has released a major new report on how US drone strikes kill civilians in Pakistan, where it says some deaths may amount to war crimes.
Giving Grassroots Leaders a Voice
On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay: Glen Ford, Exec. Editor of Black Agenda Report, talks about helping create black radio news. He says that news media creates leaders …
“Cash for Kids”: Firms Behind Juvenile Prison Bribes Reach $2.5 Million Settlement in Civil Suit
Judges took money in exchange for sending juvenile offenders to for-profit youth jails.
Radioactive Rainwater Overwhelms Fukushima Nuclear Plant
Heavy rains have overwhelmed containment tankers at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi plant.
Corporations Reap Billions From Mass Incarceration
A new campaign exposes the companies that profit off prisoners.