Henry Giroux on the “School to Prison Pipeline”
Education expert Henry Giroux tells Bill public schools are suffering from an overemphasis on academic testing as teachers are stripped of their powers, in schools with disciplinary systems that …
South Koreans on Jeju Island and the Afghan Peace Volunteers Say “No!” to US Military Bases
peace activists at Gangjeong Village on Jeju Island, South Korea, during which they shared solidarity in saying u2018No!u2019 to the U.S. war apparatus in Afghanistan and South Korea.
“Nature Does Not Negotiate”: Environmentalists Walk Out of UN Climate Summit in Warsaw
As we began our show, hundreds of environmental activists walked out of the UN climate change summit in Warsaw, Poland, today over the absence of a binding agreement on …
How Can Fed Policy Help Main Street?
Bob Pollin: Expected new Fed chair Janet Yellen will continue Bernanke's policies of shoring up Wall Street banks with trillions, but the Fed could help Main Street with different …
Vietnam and the Legacy of the JFK Presidency
On this episode of Reality Asserts Itself, Paul Jay and historian Peter Kuznick discuss whether or not JFK intended to withdraw from Vietnam before his assassination.
Chomsky Weighs in on Kennedy Assassination Anniversary: “It Would Impress Kim Il-Sung“
Noam Chomsky reflects on the dark legacy of assassinated President John F. Kennedy.
The Rage of the Angry White Male Continues Its Battle Against Equality
“Men can be dragged kicking and screaming into that inevitable future, or we can accept it and ask what it means for us,” says Michael Kimmel, author of "Angry …
Bill Moyers | Henry Giroux: Zombie Politics and Casino Capitalism
This week on Moyers & Company, author and scholar Henry Giroux explains how our political system has turned people into zombies.
As Poor Countries Walk Out of Climate Talks, Venezuela Calls on Industrial Nations to Take Action
A group of 133 developing nations have walked out of a key part of the climate talks in Warsaw, Poland, amidst a conflict over how countries who have historically …
“Mayor 1%” Rahm Emanuel vs. The 99%
TRNN interviews “Mayor 1%” author Kari Lydersen about Rahm Emanuel's battles with Chicago's 99%.