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Susan Scott

Lauren Carasik is a human rights attorney, clinical professor of law and director of the International Human Rights Clinic at Western New England University School of Law. Susan Scott …
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Cliff Connor

Cliff Conner is on the faculty of the School of Professional Studies of the City University of New York Graduate Center, where he teaches history.   Michael Steven Smith is …
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Michael Steven Smith

Cliff Conner is on the faculty of the School of Professional Studies of the City University of New York Graduate Center, where he teaches history.   Michael Steven Smith is …
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Susan and Aaron's back yard garden is called ‘Tyrant Farms.’ They look forward to sharing more of their ‘KIGI journey’ (Know It or Grow It) with you over the …
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Susan von Frank

Susan and Aaron's back yard garden is called ‘Tyrant Farms.’ They look forward to sharing more of their ‘KIGI journey’ (Know It or Grow It) with you over the …
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Sarah Jane Glynn

Sarah Jane Glynn is Associate Director of Women’s Economic Policy at the Center for American Progress. Emily Baxter is the Special Assistant for the Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative …
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Emily Baxter

Sarah Jane Glynn is Associate Director of Women’s Economic Policy at the Center for American Progress. Emily Baxter is the Special Assistant for the Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative …
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Nick Danforth

Nick Danforth is a doctoral candidate in Turkish history at Georgetown University. He writes about Middle Eastern history, politics, and maps at Graham Pitts is a doctoral candidate at …
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Graham Pitts

Nick Danforth is a doctoral candidate in Turkish history at Georgetown University. He writes about Middle Eastern history, politics, and maps at Graham Pitts is a doctoral candidate at …
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Pavlina R. Tcherneva

Pavlina R. Tcherneva, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Economics at Bard College, Research Scholar at The Levy Economics Institute, and Senior Research Associate at the Center for Full Employment …