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Author Bios

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Elly Belle

Elly is a Pun Enthusiast who loves cooking, making picnics for friends, their perfect yet mischievous cats, and poetry. They are dedicated to doing community organizing that centers getting …
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Amelia Schafer

Amelia Schafer is the Indigenous Affairs reporter for ICT and the Rapid City Journal. She is of Wampanoag and Montauk-Brothertown Indian Nation descent. She is based in Rapid City. Follow …
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Ty Moore

Ty Moore has been working as a political and community organizer with UFCW Local 367 since January.
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Lynn Ta

Lynn Ta is a labor lawyer and housing justice organizer in Los Angeles Chinatown.
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Jonah J. Lalas

Jonah J. Lalas is a former union organizer and currently a partner at the union-side labor law firm Rothner, Segall & Greenstone in Pasadena, California. He is a PD …
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Stéphanie Wahab

Stéphanie Wahab, Ph.D., MSW, is a professor at Portland State University, School of Social Work.  
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Kendall Karson Verhovek

Kendall Karson Verhovek is a senior media strategist at the Brennan Center, crafting and executing media strategies for the organization’s Voting Rights and Elections Program. Prior to joining the …
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Kendall Turner

Kendall Turner is a freelance writer and professor who previously clerked for the U.S. Supreme Court and helped litigate abortion cases in Texas and other states.