Author Bios

Desdemona Dallas
Desdemona Dallas is a writer and photographer living and working in New York City. Through her work, Desdemona aims to challenge negative societal beliefs and find solutions to our current social, …

Jennifer J. Freyd
Jennifer J. Freyd is a professor of psychology at the University of Oregon.

Ann Coleman
Ann Coleman is a contributor to Socialist Worker.

Gordon Whitman
Gordon Whitman has worked as a community organizer and social change strategist and coach for the past 25 years. He first learned organizing in Santiago, Chile, and helped found successful grassroots …

Claire Smrekar
Claire Smrekar is an associate professor of public policy and education at Vanderbilt University.

Michael Mullinax
Michael Mullinax is a contributor to Socialist Worker.

Camille White-Avian
Camille White-Avian is a contributor to Socialist Worker.

Victoria Borneman
Victoria Borneman is the Saul Landau fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies.

Margot Susca
Margot Susca is a professorial lecturer at the American University School of Communication.

Sammy Didonato
Sammy Didonato is a Baltimore-based freelance video producer and member of Rebel Lens Bmore. His work on state violence in the US and abroad appears regularly at Unicorn Riot.