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Author Bios

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Nisha Bolsey

Nisha Bolsey is a contributor to Socialist Worker.
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Bryant William Sculos

Bryant William Sculos, Ph.D. is a postdoctoral fellow at The Amherst Program in Critical Theory, an adjunct professor at Florida International University, contributing writer for The Hampton Institute, and …
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Reed Lindsay

Reed Lindsay is an independent documentary filmmaker and journalist with 15 years of experience reporting, investigating, writing, producing, filming and directing around the world. His award-winning feature-length documentary Charlie vs …
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Elliot Swain

Elliot Swain is a Baltimore-based activist, public policy graduate student and researcher for CODEPINK.
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Sharon Austin

Sharon Austin is an associate professor of political science and director of African American studies at the University of Florida.
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Mark Bray

Mark Bray is a historian of human rights, terrorism and politics in modern Europe. He is the author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, Translating Anarchy: The Anarchism of Occupy Wall …
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Jen Herrick

Jen Herrick is the senior policy analyst at People For the American Way.
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Jill E. Adams

Jill E. Adams, JD, is chief strategist of the SIA Legal Team, which transforms the legal landscape so people who end their own pregnancies can do so with dignity and …
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Jamila Perritt

Jamila Perritt, MD, is a board certified, fellowship-trained obstetrician and gynecologist with a comprehensive background in family planning and reproductive health.
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Eva-Maria Swidler

Eva-Maria Swidler is on the faculty of Goddard College, where she advises students in the undergraduate program in the fields of political economy and history, among others.