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Author Bios

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Blake Paterson

Blake Paterson is the reporting fellow for ProPublica’s Electionland project.
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David Marino Jr.

David Marino is a recent graduate of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University. As a student- journalist, David has published stories in The Arizona Republic, …
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Celia Bottger

Celia Bottger is a Next Leader on the Climate Policy Project at the Institute for Policy Studies.
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Daniel I. Weiner

Daniel I. Weiner serves as senior counsel for the Brennan Center’s Democracy Program, where he works on money in politics and other democracy reform issues, including redistricting and fair …
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Elena Carter

Elena Carter is a summer 2018 In These Times editorial intern.
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Amy Arreaga

Amy Arreaga is a contributor to Socialist Worker.
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Annemarie Toebosch

Annemarie Toebosch is director of the University of Michigan Dutch program.
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William G. Schulz

William G. Schulz is a contributor at The Center for Investigative Reporting. Schulz can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter: @dcbill09.
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Osama Alkhawaja

Osama Alkhawaja is a second-year law student at the University of Chicago. Osama is an editor of the Chicago Journal of International Law. Follow Osama on Twitter: @OsamaAlkhawaja.