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Author Bios

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Darrin Hoop

Darrin Hoop is a member of the Seattle Education Association and Social Equity Educators.
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Paul Fleming

Paul Fleming, PhD, MPH, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, Department of Health Behavior and Health Education. He can be reached at …
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Andy McGlashen

Andy McGlashen is a contributor at Environmental Health News.
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Mariela Jara

Mariela Jara is a contributor at Inter Press Service.
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Daniela Aspiazu

Daniela Aspiazu is a Next Leader at the Institute for Policy Studies.
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Dustin Gibson

Dustin Gibson is a community builder that develops he[art]work to undo ableism and racism. He is the co-founder of Disability Advocates for Rights and Transition, where he works to …
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Barbara Madeloni

Barbara Madeloni is education coordinator at Labor Notes and a former president of the Massachusetts Teachers Association.
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Leah Salzano

Leah Salzano is a fourth-year student at the University of Virginia and a former intern at Public Citizen's Access to Medicines campaign.
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Emily Brodsky

Emily Brodsky is a professor of Earth and planetary sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz.