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Author Bios

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Jenna Woloshyn

Jenna Woloshyn is a UPS package car driver from Teamsters Local 70 in Oakland, California.
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Christina Fattore

Christina Fattore is an associate professor of political science at West Virginia University.
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Kathleen Brown

Kathleen Brown is a socialist and member of Die Linke (Left Party) in Berlin, Germany.
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Nirali Vyas

Nirali Vyas is a research and program associate in the Brennan Center's Democracy Program where she supports the organization's work to bring balance to campaign funding and document the …
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Jess Clarke

Jess Clarke is the project director of Reimagine! Movements Making Media, the publisher of Race, Poverty & the Environment and supports the California Environmental Justice Alliance’s Green Zones Initiative …
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Will Kimball

Will Kimball is pursuing his doctoral degree at MIT in the Institute for Work and Employment Research. His research covers topics on inequality, worker voice and employment arrangements.
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Erin L. Kelly

Erin L. Kelly is a Sloan distinguished professor of work and organization studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
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Duanyi Yang

Duanyi Yang is a Ph.D. candidate at the MIT Institute for Work and Employment Research. Her research covers topics on organizational conflict and worker voice, labor standards in global …
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Thomas Kochan

Thomas Kochan is a George Maverick Bunker professor of management, a professor of work and organization studies, and co-director of the MIT Sloan Institute for Work and Employment Research …