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Author Bios

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Khury Petersen-Smith

Khury Petersen-Smith is the Michael Ratner Middle East Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies.
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Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg

Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg is a senior reporter for The Appeal and playwright based in New Jersey. Follow her on Twitter: @elizabethweill.
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Auditi Guha

Auditi Guha is the Northeast regional reporter for Rewire.News. She has uncovered corruption, injustice, discrimination and fielded death threats in her career from India to Boston. She most recently worked …
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Deborah Coen

Deborah Coen is Professor of History and Chair of the Program in History of Science and Medicine, Yale University. Her research and teaching bring together the history of science and the …
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Seth Uzman

Seth Uzman is a contributor to Socialist Worker.
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Janelle Hanchett

Janelle Hanchett is a contributor to YES! Magazine. Janelle’s first book, I’m Just Happy to Be Here, was published in May. She lives in Northern California with her four children and husband. 
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Roshni Kapur

Roshni Kapur is a research assistant at the Institute of South Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore, where she specializes in conflict resolution, peacebuilding and transitional justice …
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Alysia Santo

Alysia Santo is a staff writer for The Marshall Project. Her investigative reporting on the criminal legal system has appeared in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times …
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Daniela Penha

Daniela Penha is a contributor at Repórter Brasil.
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Martha Arguello

Martha Arguello is the executive director of Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles.