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Author Bios

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Kevin Basl

Kevin Basl is a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War.
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Andrea Flynn

Andrea Flynn is a Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, where she researches and writes about issues that impact women and families. Her writing has appeared in The Atlantic, The New Republic, Cosmopolitan, …
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Kendra Bozarth

As the Deputy Director of Editorial and Digital Strategy, Kendra Bozarth sets the publications and digital media strategy for the Roosevelt Institute’s think tank, student network, and advocacy team. …
Sohale Mortazavi

Sohale A. Mortazavi

Sohale A. Mortazavi is a writer based in Chicago. Follow him on Twitter: @SohaleMortazavi.
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Maria Svart

Maria Svart is national director of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Prior to her time at DSA, she was an organizer with the Service Employees International Union.
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Monica E. Ahmad-Yee

Monica is an immigration attorney, management consultant, and founder and director of Inviolate Initiative, a nonprofit initiative providing mental health assessments for immigrant survivors of domestic abuse and trafficking. …
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Domenica Ghanem

Domenica Ghanem is the media manager at the Institute for Policy Studies.
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Amee Chew

Amee Chew has a doctorate in American Studies and Ethnicity and is a Mellon-ACLS public fellow.

Aleo Pugh and Victor Ultra Omni

Aleo Pugh and Victor Ultra Omni are Black transmasculine students and activists majoring in Africana Studies at Pitzer College. After completing their undergraduate degrees they hope to infiltrate academia …
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Maru Mora Villalpando

Maru Mora Villalpando is a statewide community organizer and trainer with more than 10 years of experience, primarily focusing on immigrant, racial and reproductive justice issues. She is a regular political analyst guest …