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Author Bios

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Michael Berman

Michael P. Berman was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2008 to photograph the remnant grasslands of the Chihuahuan Desert. His photographs are included in the collections of the Metropolitan …
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Sarah Knopp

Sarah Knopp taught high school in the Los Angeles Unified School District from 2000-2013, and currently works at Lannan Foundation as the director of the Cultural Freedom Program. She …
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Moira Lavelle

Moira Lavelle is a freelance reporter focusing on gender, migration and borders. She is currently working on a Master’s degree at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Follow her …
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Adam Bruno

Adam Bruno is a Masters student of history at Miami University in Ohio, studying US conservativism and the culture wars. His research focuses on the role that history plays …
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K. Sabeel Rahman

K. Sabeel Rahman is the president of Demos and an associate professor of law at Brooklyn Law School. He has written widely for both academic and popular audiences on the themes of …

Samantha Agarwal

Samantha Agarwal is currently a Changemaker Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of International Service at American University. Her work is on the intersection of caste inequality and ethnonationalism in …
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Alexandra Staub

Alexandra Staub is Associate Professor of Architecture; Affiliate Faculty, Rock Ethics Institute, Pennsylvania State University.
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Cassandra Moseley

Cassandra Moseley is Senior Associate Vice President for Research and Research Professor, University of Oregon.
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Courtney Schultz

Courtney Schultz is an Associate Professor of Forest and Natural Resource Policy, Colorado State University.