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Author Bios

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Yvette Arellano

Yvette Arellano is a GreenLatinos board member and director of Fenceline Watch, a Houston-based environmental justice organization dedicated to eradicating toxic multigenerational harm from oil, gas, and petrochemical facilities.
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Marc Norton

Marc has been a member of San Francisco’s hotel, restaurant and culinary workers union, UNITE HERE Local 2, since 1976. He is also a member of the Industrial Workers …
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Lucy El-Sherif

Lucy El-Sherif is a PhD candidate at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.
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Caren Holmes

Caren Holmes is a scholar of postcolonial studies and an abolitionist organizer based in New York City.
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Elizabeth Daniel Vasquez

Elizabeth Daniel Vasquez is the special forensic science counsel at Brooklyn Defender Services in Brooklyn, New York, and leads the office’s Science & Surveillance Project.
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Gloria Reuben

Gloria Reuben is the president of Waterkeeper Alliance, a worldwide network of more than 350 community-based advocacy groups that protect over 2.75 million square miles of rivers, lakes and …