Venezuela Blows Up Two Bridges Along Colombia Border
Venezuelan forces destroyed two pedestrian bridges that spanned the border with Colombia, further heightening tensions between the two countries that have been at odds since Colombia agreed to allow …
Robert Reich | Harry Reid, and What Happened to the Public Option
First there was Medicare for all 300 million of us. But that was a non-starter because private insurers and Big Pharma wouldn't hear of it, and Republicans and “centrists” …
Protests Don’t Stop UC Regents’ 32 Percent Fee Hike
Surrounded by campus police dressed in protective riot gear and armed with beanbag guns, hundreds of student protesters at UCLA Thursday chanted “Shame on You, Shame on You” toward …
Murder at Guantanamo?
With recent news reports centering on Attorney General Eric Holder's announcement that some Guantanamo detainees would be prosecuted in federal court and revamped, albeit flawed military commissions, important stories …
Vietnam Vet Stages Hunger Strike in Front of White House to Raise Awareness About PTSD
Since Veterans Day, Thomas E. Mahany, a 62-year-old Vietnam War veteran, has been on a hunger strike in front of the White House to raise awareness about post-traumatic stress …
A Growing Climate Change Movement Emerges
Hundreds of climate activists swarmed down a hill toward Britain’s largest coal-burning power plant Oct. 17 with the intention of shutting it down. Within minutes, dozens had broken through …
Who’s Afraid of World Government?
A few weeks ago, Glenn Beck of the Fox News Channel, with that hysterical flourish that has made him the darling of right-wing extremists, proclaimed: "America, if . . …
Murder at Guantanamo? The Strange Death of Mohammad Saleh al Hanashi
With recent news reports centering on Attorney General Eric Holder's announcement that some Guantanamo detainees would be prosecuted in federal court and revamped, albeit flawed military commissions, important stories …
Eugene Robinson | Battlefield in the War of Ideas
Washington - Critics of Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to bring the self-proclaimed mastermind of the 9/11 attacks and four other accused terrorists to New York for trial can't …
Economic Crisis Is Getting Bloody – Violent Deaths Are Now Following Evictions, Foreclosures and Job Losses
Despite ever rosier economic predictions and a surging stock market, the body count from the economic crisis is destined only to grow in the weeks and months ahead.