
US Jewish Leader Henry Siegman to Israel: Stop Killing Palestinians and End the Occupation
In the second part of our interview, Henry Siegman, the former head of the American Jewish Congress and the Synagogue Council of America, discusses the assault on Gaza, Hamas’ …

Henry Siegman, Leading Voice of US Jewry, on Gaza: “A Slaughter of Innocents”
Henry Siegman, the former head of the American Jewish Congress and the Synagogue Council of America, discusses the assault on Gaza.

Antiwar Protests Spreading in Ukraine as Government Wages All-Out War in the Southeast and NATO Threatens Russia
A rising wave of antiwar and anti-conscription protest is taking place in cities and towns across western Ukraine.

Nobel Peace Laureates Slam Human Rights Watch’s Refusal to Cut Ties to US Government
You all but advocated military intervention on social media, while maintaining plausible deniability in the context of a climate of warmongering.

Win Without War Statement on House Passage of McGovern-Jones-Lee Iraq Resolution
H. Con. Res. 105 is a strong, clear statement of congressional opposition to US military intervention in Iraq.

The Blame for MH 17 Isn’t Russia’s Alone
The ultimate responsibility for this disaster falls on those whose actions led to the civil war in the Ukraine.

Seven Arrested at Hancock Air Base in Anti-Drone Protest
Eight Atlantic Life Community activists joined with Upstate Drone Action at the main gate of Hancock Air Base, in Syracuse, New York.

Israeli Human Rights Spokesperson: Attacks on Civilians Unjustifiable
At least 613 Palestinians are now dead, as well as 27 Israeli soldiers and two civilians, on the 15th day of Operation Protective Edge.

The Path to a New 1914? How America Chose War After 9/11
By identifying a target as generic “terrorism,” rather than as al-Qaeda or any other group or list of groups, the Bush administration licensed military operations anywhere in the world.

Neighbors Turn Foes in Bekaa
Hezbollah clashes with Syrian rebels on the outskirts of Ersal seem to be widening the divide between residents of the Eastern Bekaa town.