Vietnam War

Reflections on Vietnam and Other Moments of Campus Activism: An Interview With Radical Professor Bertram Strieb
Bertram Strieb, LaSalle University professor emeritus in the Department of Geology, Physics and Environmental Science, reflects on antiwar activism in Philadelphia during the Vietnam War.

The Greatest Modern Presidential Speech Turns 50
Fifty years ago, President Lyndon Johnson chose not to believe Americans were condemned to “soulless wealth” and elucidated a new version of American exceptionalism, “The Great Society.”

Lyndon Johnson’s Ambivalent Legacy
Author Peter Dreier defends his inclusion of LBJ in book celebrating social justice heroes, outlining the president's nearly unrivaled number of public reforms.

Misremembering America’s Wars: The Pentagon’s Latest “Mission Accomplished” Moment
Setting the record straight seems to be the last intention of the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration website.

Meeting With the Enemy: Vietnam From a Vietnamese Perspective
A veteran of the Vietnam War meets a survivor of the American War in an intense exchange of experiences from opposite sides.

Scorched Earth: The Legacy of Agent Orange
Making contact takes a look at the legacy of Agent Orange, combat, chemicals, and corporations.

War Stories: Missing in Action (From Our Histories)
Nick Turse explores the deafening silence behind wartime rape and sexual assault cases in Vietnam and beyond.

Why Johnny Can’t Read or Win Wars
Johnny isn't able to think critically - and that's the point of a corporate-business model of education.

When Military Groupthink Condones the Mass Killing of Civilians
Nick Turse, author of the best-seller Kill Anything That Moves, talks to Truthout about the US Military's concerted effort over decades to cover up its torture and atrocities to …

Nick Turse Describes the Real Vietnam War
Nick Turse describes his efforts to compile a complete and compelling account of the Vietnam War's horror.