The Future of Chocolate: Will it Turn GMO?
To peer into the future of chocolate is, in a sense, to juxtapose the familiar food item most people have a visceral emotional investment in and its exposed underside …
Monsanto’s Death Patents
Monsanto is creating a world in which people have to pay the corporation in order to grow or consume food.
Five Ways the FDA Has Failed Consumers on Genetically Engineered Foods
Revolving door policy and lax to no regulation are a win for Monsanto and a loss for everyone else.
GM Seeds and the Militarization of Food – and Everything Else
Indian physicist and philosopher, activist and ecofeminist pioneer Vandana Shiva talks with Truthout in Hawaii about GMO, the militarization of agriculture, the politics of occupation and the primacy of …
Mexican Farmers Protest the Entrance of GMO Corn
Thousands across Mexico demand their government reject permits for GMO corn while Monsanto defends its patent on life in the US Supreme Court.
Bowman Versus Monsanto: Indiana Farmer’s Supreme Court Challenge to Corporate Control of Food Supply
A David-versus-Goliath case heard by the Supreme Court this week pits a 75-year-old farmer from Indiana against Monsanto, the worldu2019s largest seed company.
Monsanto Likely to Score Supreme Court Win
Because of the Technology Agreement and the patent on Monsantou2019s genes, a farmer who saves and replants these seeds can be sued.
Forget About Fresno: How One California County Clerk Stopped Prop 37’s Oversight “Recount“
Lack of transparency and a liberal
Monsanto and Genetically Engineered Food: Playing Roulette With Our Health
Genetic Roulette reveals the science and risks of GMOs in the food chain.
Exposing the Roots of Genetically Modified Crops: The Monsanto Factor
This week's Progressive Pick is by Institute for Responsible Technology head and Big Ag watchdog Jeffrey M. Smith.