Free Speech

Campus Activists Fight Fordham University’s Ban on Students for Justice in Palestine
Members of Fordham's banned Students for Justice in Palestine chapter are now suing the university.

Trump’s Threat to Libel Law: How the President Seeks to Silence Critics
Aided by appointees like Gorsuch, Trump could use libel lawsuits to undermine freedom of the press.

Tennessee University Fires NPR Reporter After Politicians Complain
The firing of Jacqui Helbert exemplifies why universities need strong policies and procedures to protect freedom of the press on campus.

Throughout History, the Powerless Have Fought With Words for Liberation
The “Verso Book of Dissent” offers a mosaic of dissenting voices through four millennia of world history in one volume.

Lifting Political Restrictions on Churches Would Open the Secret-Money Floodgates
For years, conservative evangelicals have been advocating for the repeal of the Johnson Amendment. They've found an ally in Trump.

Free-Speech Restrictions Leave Federal Workers Anxious About Challenging Trump
The First Amendment does not always protect civil servants from reprisal.

To Halt the Slide Into Authoritarianism, We Need a General Strike
To make a general strike possible, we must organize strike funds and other supports to offset risks workers will bear.

Shutting Down Milo’s Talk at Berkeley: Thoughts on Hate Speech, Protest and Masks
Anti-fascist protests have taken on a new urgency under the whites-only agenda of Trump supporters.

Donald Trump’s War With the Media Has Begun and We’ve Seen Nothing Yet
The First Amendment will be tested as never before.

As US Inauguration Approaches, Writers Plan Resistance Events Worldwide
On January 15, writers worldwide will launch Writers Resist, a movement in support of democracy, freedom and justice.