
Jim Hightower | Health Care Hypocrisy
Senator Ted Cruz declined taxpayer-funded coverage because of his wife's Cadillac policy.

The Right’s Closed Information Loop May Set Up the Next Shut Down
Despite speculations that the government shutdown finally would be the end of Tea Party members, it is possible they will use the same tactics come 2014.

Recent History Offers Fix for Debt Standoffs
Rachel Maddow tells the history of the “Gephardt rule” that made raising the debt ceiling automatic with the budget to avoiding damaging default threats.

Republicans Have Done Real Damage to the Economy
Republicans still have one power: the power to destroy. And they will use that power until we take it away from them.

William Rivers Pitt | Rust Never Sleeps
William Rivers Pitt: Take this to heart, friends and neighbors: rust never sleeps, and there is never, ever any rest for the weary.

Monumental Government
Only one branch of government has a three-ring circus.

“Totally Self-Inflicted Damage”: US on Verge of Default as Pain From 16-Day Shutdown Spreads
Robert Borosage, founder and president of the Institute for Americau2019s Future and co-director of its sister organization, the Campaign for Americau2019s Future, is interviewed about the effects of the …

Economist: There Is No Debt Crisis
Gerald Epstein, codirector of the Political Economy Research Institute, discusses Congress' upcoming decision to raise the debt ceiling.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Senate Leaders Reached a Deal Monday to End the Economic Standoff, and More
Monday evening, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell negotiated a deal to end the economic standoff.

The Ten Hardline Conservatives Pulling the Strings of the GOP Shutdown
Just looking at the rank-and-file members of the “suicide caucus” isn't enough - it's like focusing on the marionette rather than the puppet-master.