
Afghanistan: A Dark and Fragile Future
What will happen after next year's drawdown of US and allied forces and investment in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan Faces “Massive Economic Constriction” After US Withdrawal
Next yearu2019s drawdown of U.S. forces will leave in its wake an Afghan political system lacking legitimacy and stability.

Depleted Uranium Contamination is Still Spreading in Iraq
Mike Ludwig: Depleted Uranium is an ongoing health risk for civilians in Iraq.

SOF Troops Still in Wardak as Joint US-Afghan Probe Continues
Two weeks after Afghan President Hamid Karzai demanded the withdrawal of all U.S. Special Operations Forces, American military presence is still active.

We Are Those Two Afghan Children, Killed by NATO While Tending Their Cattle
Two young Afghan boys herding cattle in Uruzgan Province of Afghanistan were mistakenly killed by NATO forces yesterday.

After Revealing Atrocities of Asymmetrical Warfare, Manning Will Face Asymmetrical Trial
The war against Bradley Manning is a war against us all.

Declaring Victory in Afghanistan

Karzai, Citing Abuse, Orders US Units Out of Afghan Province
New allegations from Afghan President Hamid Karzai accuse US troops of torturing and abducting civilians.

Notes from the New War Generation
For most twenty something, war has been the only constant factor of the American experience.

Could the Senate Intelligence Committee Do Oversight of CIA Drone Strikes?
Senate Intelligence Committee draws ire for a lack of awareness about the CIA's drone strikes.