Disposable Futures
What makes the contemporary forms of disposability so abhorrent is precisely the way they systematically produce disposable futures. Can we imagine a different future?

Series Introduction

Can You Imagine a Future That Isn’t “Disposable”?
As the 21st century tumbles forward, ever more individuals and groups are now considered “excess” by the onslaught of global forces that no longer offer the possibility of alternative …

Self-Plagiarism and the Politics of Character Assassination: The Case of Zygmunt Bauman
The charges against the renowned sociologist are a form of intellectual violence wrapped in objective scholarship.

Challenging a “Disposable Future,” Looking to a Politics of Possibility
In this interview with Brad Evans and Henry A. Giroux, the public intellectuals discuss their new book and what they mean by “disposable futures.”

“Disposable Futures”: Critique of Violence
Exposing violence is not the same as being exposed to it, though the former too often comes as a result of the latter.

Introducing David Theo Goldberg’s “Sites of Race”
Racist expression and exclusion are denied their social origin and systemic content, reduced to matters of private discrimination.

The Eyes of the World
With constant news delivery, there is little time to contemplate tragedy such as the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

Hollywood, the Police and the Poor
The white affluent and usually liberal audience for films such as Nightcrawler, experience no cognitive dissonance in such depictions of urban life.

Disposable Life: Jean Franco
“If you think of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia there were war crime tribunals because of atrocities. Those atrocities were absolutely no worse than the atrocities perpetrated by the US,”

Another War, Another Evil: Haven’t We Learned That the Devil Cannot Be Slain?
The public is sold the idea of the need for violence to cure the world's ills, despite our responsibility for creating those ills.

Disposable Life: Max Silverman
"We have become less and less aware of the changed environment in which disposing of lives takes place and the forms that disposability takes, so that we no longer …

The Language of Expulsion
Whether the long-term unemployed in the global North or the long-term displaced in the global South, people are being expelled from economy, society and nation in increasing numbers.