Birthing Justice: Women Creating Economic and Social Alternatives
Twelve women from movements around the world invite us into their lives, sharing their vision of what the world can and must become, and showing us what they and their community are doing to build that world.

When a Woman Goes Out to Struggle: Solutions to Gender and Economic Violence
The coalition also challenges structural violence, the result of economic and political systems which systematically harm rural and landless peoples. One way is through aggressively promoting food sovereignty, which …

Not Wasting the Waste: Creating Environmental Sustainability
Zero waste re-examines consumption with an ethical, economic, and environmental eye.

Globalization Head-On: Women Confronting Poverty
Mary Ann Manahan helps rural women in the Philippines build their knowledge, strength, and political voice. Here she speaks of how women are creating alternatives to violence and poverty …

This Land Is My Teacher: Preserving Native Agriculture and Traditions
Throughout the US, Native, Chicano, and other peoples are rejecting industrialized agriculture and are growing their own food instead, thereby reclaiming the health of their traditions, culture, bodies, and …

One System for All: Universal Access to Health Care
(Photo courtesy of Julie Castro)Julie Castro is a young doctor from France, a country that proves that it is possible for a nation to offer quality health care for …

Water Is Where Everything Intersects – Water in the Global Commons
(Photo: Mona Caron)In case after case around the world, water is being turned into a good for sale and for profit. Driven by a different vision and by economic …

We Have Everything We Need Already: Community Control of Education
(Photo: Vishal Dhaybhai)My activism has always been defined by what’s doable rather then what are we fighting against. What are the positive things we can create in the world, …

The Link to Humanity – Gift Economies
All of Coumba Toure’s work is aimed at keeping African values alive. As part of this, she is deeply involved in a women-led movement to keep the gift economy …

Rewriting the Rules of the Global Economy – Creating Economics That Improve People’s Lives
Deborah James has been a leader in the global movement for economic justice for decades. Today she serves as Director of International Programs at the Center for Economic and …

Without Firing an Arm, We Created a Revolution: Land Reform
My dream is to see real agrarian reform for all the land, so no child goes hungry, and no mother sheds tears because her son was murdered trying to …