A Campaign Promise Dies: Obama and Military Commissions
The crowd at the Wilson Center in Washington, DC, gathered to hear their candidate outline his grand strategy for a new way forward and Barack Obama delivered. "I …
I Am Angry
I am angry. I'm tired of pundits and know-nothing, media gasbags. I'm tired of snarky “inside politics” programming. I am sick of the bigotry and hatred of “birthers” and …
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AudioPlayer.setup(“”, { width: 290 }); Press play to listen to …
Al Gore Still Won’t Talk About Meat
Al Gore penned a lengthy New York Times op-ed entitled, “We Can't Wish Away Climate Change,” on February 28, 2010. As expected, Gore was wordy, made no effort to …
Reality Challenges the CIA, Part 2
Economist Samir Amin deciphers the latest CIA report on the state of the world. He shows that intelligence agency experts still see a single view only: the American model's …
“The Hurt Locker”: When Great Art Meets Lousy Politics
I despise the implicit pro-Iraq War politics of "The Hurt Locker": There is no examination or even mention in the film of why the U.S. might be fighting there, …
Ken Starr Rebukes Liz Cheney Smear of DOJ Lawyers (VIDEO)
Steve Benen of the Washington Monthly reports: "Last week, Liz Cheney's right-wing vehicle, ‘Keep America Safe,’ launched a pretty disgusting smear against nine Justice Department attorneys. The group …
Obama’s Nuclear Dreams: Resurrecting a Noxious Industry
He may soon be called the nuclear industry's Golden Child. No president in the last three decades has put more taxpayer dollars behind atom power than Barack Obama. And …
France’s “Day Without Immigrants” (March 1, 2010): Not Quite as Advertised
Word made it out of France late last year that a “day without immigrants” journée sans immigrés was being planned for March 1, 2010. As a resident of France …
Time for a US Revolution – 15 Reasons
It is time for a revolution. Government does not work for regular people. It appears to work quite well for big corporations, banks, insurance companies, military contractors, lobbyists and …