New Questions Raised About Prosecutor Who Cleared Bush Officials in US Attorney Firings
(A report for Nieman Watchdog by the Justice Integrity Project.) In September 2008, the Bush Justice Department appointed career federal prosecutor Nora Dannehy to investigate allegations that Bush officials …
Raul Castro Silent at Cuban Rally
Santa Clara, Cuba - In Cuba’s inscrutable political culture, silence is often just as significant as speech-making. And Raul Castro’s decision to stay quiet during a major annual government …
Which Is the Bigger Threat: Terrorism or Wall Street Bonuses?
The current system of trader compensation will continue to decay the heart of Wall Street. Which is a greater threat to the nation — terrorism or the relentless decline …
Obama Urges Senate to Pass Campaign Ad Disclosure Bill
Washington - President Barack Obama implored the Senate Monday to pass a campaign finance law that Republicans and business groups are attacking as political censorship and an effort to …
Defense News: War Supplemental Not Needed to Fund Troops
According to a plausible AP report last Thursday, heavy political pressure was expected on the House Democratic leadership this week to approve a war supplemental for Afghanistan that contains …
Congress’ Response to WikiLeaks: Shoot the Messenger
Washington - Despite the release of some 92,000 classified documents that cast doubt on the success of the US war effort in Afghanistan, all but the staunchest antiwar members …
Froma Harrop | Raise Taxes to Cut Government?
As the debate rages over letting some of the Bush tax cuts expire, Republicans have raised their starve-the-beast theory from its coffin. They insist that government (the “beast”) can …
Leaked Reports Make Afghan War Policy More Vulnerable
Washington - The 92,000 reports on the war in Afghanistan made public by the whistleblower organisation WikiLeaks, and reported Monday by the Guardian, The New York Times and Der …
In Arizona, Feds Are Fighting a Monster They Built
President Obama's lawyer has argued more than a hundred cases before the Supreme Court. Last Thursday in Arizona, he got served.
Fourteen Examples of Systemic Racism in the US Criminal Justice System
The biggest crime in the US criminal justice system is that it is a race-based institution where African-Americans are directly targeted and punished in a much more aggressive way …