
Global Warming

Huckabee Working With Scam Artist Notorious For Targeting Foreclosure Victims
Fox News personality and former Gov.

Life Term for Activist a Setback for Human Rights
New Delhi - The life sentence served on Dr Binayak Sen on charges of helping Maoist rebels in eastern India has rattled people and organisations fighting to strengthen human …

Sacrificing the Rainforest on the Altar of Energy
Lima - The construction of five hydroelectric dams in Peru as part of an energy deal with Brazil will do considerable damage to the environment, such as the destruction …

Karen Dolan | Not Much to Celebrate with Obama’s Tax Deal
We enter 2011 with a few more dollars in our paychecks. For about 98 percent of Americans, the extension of Bush tax cuts and the new payroll tax holiday …

GOP Plan to Force State Bankruptcy to Cripple Public Employee Unions (Video)
James Pethokoukis, Money and politics columnist for Reuters talks about apparent Republican support for allowing states to declare bankruptcy as a means of undermining unions. "Republicans appear to be …

Samuelson on Social Security: An Artifact From a Strange Year
Historians of the future will look back on this year as a turning point in the drive to dismantle a popular, self-funded program by convincing people that it's a …

“Election Integrity Is Vital”: Joe Miller Makes a Federal Case Out of It in Alaska’s Senate Contest
"We want the end result of this legal action to be for the people of Alaska to not only have full faith in the outcome of this race, but …

The Christmas Truce of 1914: “Threat to National Security”?
As we celebrate Christmas 2010, 100,000 US troops languish in Afghanistan, and Bradley Manning sits in “maximum custody” in Quantico for the alleged crime of disclosing classified “secrets” about …

Afghanistan War: Is Child Abuse a New Taliban Gambit?
Camp Dwyer, Afghanistan - Spc. Jaime Adame carried the young girl across the airfield, her tiny, gauze-wrapped body cradled in a polyester blanket, his camouflage rippling in the winds …