
Reckless Endangerment: Making Debt “Owe-nership” Easy
Fannie Mae headquarters in Washington, DC (Photo: assortedstuff / Flickr) In search of a new angle on the financial crisis, Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner’s (M&R) new …

Our Forgotten Tradition
THE ‘S’ WORD: A SHORT HISTORY OF AN AMERICAN TRADITION… SOCIALISM by John Nichols Verso, 2011 Just when the confused and often deeply troubled relation …

“Known and Unknown”: A Review of Donald Rumsfeld’s Memoir
On February 8, 2011, former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld published his highly anticipated memoir, “Known and Unknown.” The title refers to the dilemma of having to act on …

Democracy Talks – Listen Up!
(Image: The New Press) Bill Moyers has a new book out. In the interest of full disclosure, I edited the book with him and co-wrote its introduction. …

The Importance of Being Tony Kushner
Coincidence combined with foresight on the part of my girlfriend Pat - she bought the tickets months ago - landed us at a performance of Tony Kushner's new play, …

Hypatia and the Clash of Civilizations in Late Antiquity
When the Greeks spoke of “agora,” they meant a place for political discussion, jury trials and a market. In other words, agora was the center of Greek life. …

Defector from the Green Berets: A Review of William T. Hathaway’s Radical Peace
(Image: Trine Day) Instilling the will to kill in Special Forces training is equally important as teaching the skills to kill. Commandos are heavily indoctrinated in the …

“Budrus” Shows “White Intifada” Can Beat the Israeli Occupation
Many have long maintained that a mass-based and sustained campaign of nonviolent Palestinian resistance - a “white intifada” - if vigorously supported by a united Palestinian leadership and by …

Streets of Latin America Offer US a Roadmap for Social Change
(Image: AK Press) Dancing with Dynamite: Social Movements and States in Latin America By Ben Dangl AK Press, 2010 The …

“What Will Happen to Me?“
(Image: Good Books) “What Will Happen to Me?” Howard Zehr and Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz (Good Books, 2010) $14.95US/$14.95CAN, ISBN-10: 9781561486892 In 2004, …