News Analysis

Republicans Block Senate from Even Talking About Jobs
Yesterday, an unanimous Senate Republican caucus didn't just lead a filibuster to kill the American Jobs Act. The Republicans stopped the Senate from even beginning to have a discussion …

From the Plant to the Plaza: Hershey Students Visit Occupy Wall Street
At a reception co-hosted by SEIU, Jobs With Justice and the National Guestworker Alliance, international students working in a Hershey packing plant in Pennsylvania shared stories of their struggle …

Koch Brothers, ALEC and Coca-Cola: A “Classic” Collaboration
What is Coca-Cola doing behind closed doors with Koch Industries and other multinational corporations in the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)? Coca-Cola Refreshments' Director of Public Affairs and Communications, …

Occupy Wall Street: The T-Shirt
"It's time, the anger is boiling over and we're sick of being taken advantage of and taken for granted! Occupy Wall Street! It is time to stop the greed …

The Dragon’s Shadow: China’s Banking System
On October 10, the Chinese government announced that it will increase its stakes in the four largest commercial banks, which are already largely public-owned. The move is designed to …

A Farewell to Nuclear Arms
President Ronald Reagan stands with Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev during arrival ceremonies December 8, 1987 on the South lawn of the White House. (Photo: Jose R. Lopez/The New …

The Seven Biggest Economic Lies
The President’s Jobs Bill doesn’t have a chance in Congress — and the Occupiers on Wall Street and elsewhere can’t become a national movement for a more equitable society …

Occupy Wall Street Takes the Upper East Side
Fifth Avenue at number 838 is a massive building, overlooking the southeast corner of Central Park. Blocks from the world-famous Plaza Hotel, the only people likely to pass by …

Iraq War Lessons Learned? Keep Rumsfeld Away From All Things Defense
The roots of how the military ended up with this expensive but broken logistics disaster can be placed directly on Rumsfeld and his build up before the war.

Capitalism and Poverty
Ashley Kelleher, a waitress at the International House of Pancakes in Reading, Pennsylvania, supports her family on the $900 a month she earns. According to new Census bureau data, …