The Grass Roots Battle to End the Drone War
Long time peace activist Kathy Kelly is co-coordinator of the Chicago-based Voices for Creative Nonviolence. Kelly just returned from her twelfth trip to Afghanistan, and is now trekking 195 …
In Jail, “Bowl Phone” Takes Edge Off Inmates’ Isolation
Drained metal toilets are used as megaphones.
Yemen’s “Schoolhouse Rock” vs. the “War on Terror”: A Conversation With Baraa Shiban
Robert Naiman meets with Baraa Shiban, who works for the British human rights group Reprieve, who discusses a proposal to prohibit drone strikes in the country that is …
Scratching The Surface: Daniel Falcone Interviews Tony Rotondo, author of “Scratch Where it Itches”
Tony Rotondo has taught English in West Chester, Pennsylvania since 1964 at every level ranging from 7th grade to Graduate School. He served as President of the Teachers Association …
“Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Food Rights”: Shouldn’t We Decide What We Eat?
A food rights movement described in David Grumpert's new book has sprung up to save small farms.
Off the Chart Inequality in the US
Salvatore Babones: According to UN report, US is the only nation where inequality is both high and rising.
Dirty Wars or: How Your Dead Family is Just “Collateral Damage”
The NSA continues to wiretap our phone lines. The military tosses whistleblowers into solitary confinement pre-trial. Domestic drones soar above our cities. No matter one's political affiliation, the government's …
Truthout TV Interviews Max Haiven About an Alternative Approach to Austerity
Truthout Interviews host, Ted Asregadoo, speaks with writer, teacher and activist, Max Haiven, on financialization, totalitarianism, and how an alternative approach to neo-liberal austerity and debt can be a …
Bush’s Foiled NSA Blackmail Scheme
More than a decade ago, President George W. Bush enlisted the National Security Agency in a blackmail scheme to dig up dirt to coerce UN Security Council members to …
Carol Becker on Creative Leadership, Public Intellectuals and the Arts in Higher Education
In this interview, Carol Becker explains how she also views administrators within institutions such as universities as public intellectuals who can help empower and mobilize future generations of young …