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Mitt Romney’s Corporate Ties to Limbaugh

Mitt Romney has drawn criticism for remaining largely silent on Rush Limbaugh’s sexist attacks against Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke, saying only, “it’s not the language I would have used.”

Mitt Romney has drawn criticism for remaining largely silent on Rush Limbaugh’s sexist attacks against Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke, saying only, “it’s not the language I would have used.”

What has gone largely unnoticed, however, is Romney’s corporate connection to Limbaugh. While Limbaugh owns the company that produces his show, it’s syndicated and broadcasted by Premiere Radio Networks, which also handles Limbaugh’s advertising. Premiere is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Clear Channel, the radio and outdoor advertising behemoth. Clear Channel, meanwhile, is owned by a partnership of two private equity firms, Bain Capital and Thomas H. Lee Partners — the same Bain Capital that Mitt Romney once ran.

Romney left Bain in 1999, long before it purchased Clear Channel in 2006, but he still makes a large portion of his income from Bain, via a lucrative retirement deal and with millions invested in Bain funds. And Bain and its employees have given at least $151,500 to Romney’s presidential campaign, and $2 million to the super PAC backing the candidate.

Appearing on The View today, Fluke was asked if she thought Limbaugh should be “fired” over his comments about her. “I’m going to leave that up to the sponsors, to Clear Channel communications,” she replied.

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