Dear Readers,
Today, we’ll witness the Obama administration offer the country a budget rife with compromise – a budget that targets the least among us to pay for the mistakes of the banks and the greed of the corporate elite, who pledge allegiance only to the stock market.
Heating oil subsidies for the poorest people in the US will be cut back, despite the unprecedented winter we’re still enduring. Despite bipartisan agreement among voters that the military budget should be slashed, it won’t be touched. Social Security recipients did not receive even a tiny increase last year, but the Pentagon’s budget will continue to rise with the rate of inflation.
Truthout is building strategies for real change. For at least the next eight weeks, Dina Rasor’s “Solutions: Making Government Work” column will explore proven strategies to dislodge corruption and fix the underlying flaws in the Pentagon budget. Truthout is also working to publicize and strengthen The Progressive Strategy Handbook – a crowd-sourced effort to harness the knowledge and passion of progressive organizers and circumvent the DC insiders who continue to sell us short. And every day, we publish the news and analysis that makes sense of the fast-changing world around us, without the mainstream media’s corporate gloss – bringing key problems to light so that they can be tackled.
But these projects have no wealthy benefactor. They are funded by the community of readers who rely on Truthout and BuzzFlash every day.
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Maya Schenwar, Executive Director and Matt Renner, Director of Development