
Democracy Itself at Stake in Michigan
Michigan voters have a chance to repeal

The Cost of War: An Interview With Hawaii Congressional Candidate and Veteran Tulsi Gabbard
The former Honolulu city councilwoman, state legislator and combat veteran shares her views on Afghanistan, Iran, drones and military spending.

Which Legislators Care the Most About Your Food?
The first-ever National Policy Score Card lets the public hold Congress accountable on food policy.

Bill Clinton Presses on in Campaign for Barack Obama
Clinton is making the case that Obama can bring the lagging economy he inherited back around in a second term, just as he did during his presidency.

Media Fails to Report Solar, Wind Successes from Obama’s Policies
Media Fails to Report Solar, Wind Successes from President Obama's Policies

Mr. Torres Goes to Tallahassee: “A Working Class Hero is Something to Be …“
For too long the collective voice of Florida's working class has been silenced in Tallahassee. Victor Torres aims to change that.

Henry A. Giroux | Beyond the Dead End of American Electoral Politics: Rethinking the Crisis of Politics
The issue is no longer how to work within the current electoral system, but how to dismantle it and construct a new political landscape.

George Lakoff: Progressives Need to Use Language That Reflects Moral Values
George Lakoff: Everything you understand is a matter of framing. And what counts as a fact depends on the frame used in understanding.

What’s Still the Matter With Kansas – and the Democrats?
First, the economy is not the most basic issue. Second, this year as always, the foolish Democrats are acting as if it is.

Prop 34: Ex-San Quentin Prison Warden Jeanne Woodford Backs California Measure to End Death Penalty
The former warden of San Quentin State Prison, Jeanne Woodford, joins us to discuss why she has come out in favor of Proposition 34, a ballot initiative to abolish …