
Amid Justice Department Investigations, Protesters Call Out Cleveland Police Murders
As national protests continue, activists and concerned residents in Cleveland are calling for police accountability.

Why Are Our Sons Gunned Down? Parents of Black Victims of Police Killings Lead DC March
The families of slain African Americans led a rally and march on the White House.

It’s Not the Law – but Prosecutors – That Give Immunity to Killer Cops
Police will not be prosecuted for their crimes until conditions of ungovernability in the United States' cities allow no other choice.

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Can a New “Progressive ALEC” Advance Police Reform Through Municipalities?
Local Progress, a progressive counter to ALEC's new city arm, convened in New York City.

Lessons Learned

Beyond Ferguson: the Deeper Issue
It can only be a good thing that the attention of the nation is focused on the police killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson.

Hidden Files on Treatment of Internees Could Change the Definition of Torture
British government records were discovered from the 1970s which were withheld from Ireland.

The United States of Ferguson
This week Moyers & Company presents an encore broadcast of Bill's conversation earlier this year with journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates.

The Killing of Tamir Rice: Cleveland Police Criticized for Shooting 12-Year-Old Holding Toy Gun
More than 100 people packed a church in Cleveland, Ohio, for the memorial service of Tamir Rice.