Universal Basic Income

Largest Study on Guaranteed Basic Income Proves Transformative for Participants
Participants received $1,000 a month. They took better jobs, went back to school and started opening businesses.

Report Lauds Effects of Guaranteed Income Program for Struggling Boston Families
Families reported a reduced level of stress and were more able to pay off debt and increase savings.

Climate Mitigation Isn’t Just a Matter of Ethics; It’s Life and Death
If a clean and safe environment is a human right, then climate policies ought to prioritize those at greatest risk.

Inflation Policies Must Deal With Impact of Rising Food Prices on the Poor
To confront inflation, we need a universal basic income funded through a progressive tax structure.

Omar Unveils Guaranteed Income Bill to Send American Adults $1,200 a Month
The bill would send adults earning up to $75,000 a year $1,200 a month, which could help reduce poverty.

It’s Time to Bust the Myth That Endless Economic Growth Is Good for Us
The constraints of capitalism are preventing us from achieving real human fulfillment and progress.

California Trial of Universal Basic Income Inspires More Cities to Follow Suit
More and more municipalities are showing interest in reimagining how to ensure economic stability for their residents.

One-Time Stimulus Checks Aren’t Good Enough. We Need Universal Basic Income.
A universal basic income could restore a sense of safety that the pandemic has destroyed.

Economic Justice Is Necessary to Stop Murders of Trans Women of Color
Lack of economic opportunities due to discrimination exposes trans women of color to higher rates of violence and death.

We Need a Universal Basic Income Now and After COVID-19
Such a policy would not only address suffering caused by COVID, but push back against the worst parts of capitalism.