US Finally Agrees to Back Limits on Plastic Production. Here’s Why That Matters.
International caps on plastic production are key to ending “waste colonialism.”
EPA Policy Rejects Plastic Industry’s Misleading Math on Recycled Products
Companies that want the EPA's stamp of approval can no longer use a method criticized by some as a greenwashing tactic.
Plastic Is Building Up in Our Brains — Scientists Say It’s a Global Emergency
A growing body of research shows microplastics reach nearly everywhere in the body, creating vast and unknown dangers.
Plastic Industry Is Selling False Promise of New Recycling Tech. Don’t Buy It.
Instead of cutting back production, the industry uses mathematical acrobatics to make recycling look like it's working.
UN Conference on Plastic Pollution Crisis Dominated by Industry Reps
The negotiations for a plastics treaty appeared to lack rules on conflict of interest or transparency.
Plastic Waste on Ocean Floors Could Be 100 Times Amount Floating on Surface
Researchers found that up to 11 million tons of plastic are polluting the planet's ocean floors.
Right-Wing Court Ruling Could Impede Regulation of “Forever Chemicals”
The judges said the EPA could not regulate Inhance's containers under Section 5 of the Toxic Substances Control Act.
Study: Patients With Cardiovascular Disease Had Higher Rates of Microplastics
Those with high rates of microplastics in their arteries were 4.5 times more likely to have a heart-related incident.
Study of Human Placenta Samples Found Microplastics in Every Single One of Them
The study detected between 6.5 to 790 micrograms of microplastics per gram of tissue.
Tiny Particles of Plastic Now Pollute Our Food, Water and Even the Clouds
From the deep ocean to the sky, microplastics are now everywhere, and fossil fuel firms are still ramping up production.