Spree of Anti-Asian Violence Has Long Roots — Including Terror in 1990s Philly
To confront anti-Asian violence, we must unearth buried histories and stop erasing “imperfect victims” from our memory.
Child of Black Activists Bombed by Police: “My Activism Is My Religion”
Philadelphia police killed 11 members of Mike Africa Jr.’s household in their attack on MOVE in 1985.
The Case for Abolition After Philadelphia Police Kill Walter Wallace Jr.
Protests in Philadelphia marked a second night of calling for abolition after police shot and killed Walter Wallace Jr.
Protests Rise in Philly After Police Murder Black Man Amid Mental Health Crisis
Walter Wallace Jr.'s mother had been trying to diffuse the situation before police arrived and shot him.
Philadelphia Agrees to Provide Community Housing Amid Unhoused Activist Push
These victories come during a year of coordinated rent strikes and other efforts to combat mass evictions.
Philadelphia Agrees to Grant 50 Vacant Homes to Community Land Trust
The historic victory for unhoused people presents a model for tenant organizing and housing activism.
Housing Activists in Philly Launch Major Takeover of Abandoned Public Buildings
Single mothers and their children have started perhaps the most significant housing takeover in the country.
Fascism Expert Warns Trump’s Deployment of Feds Could Suppress Election Turnout
Yale professor Jason Stanley says federal agents intimidating voters is something “we have to worry about.”
Philadelphia DA Says Trump’s Police Will Be Arrested If They Assault Protesters
Legal experts say the president's attempts to send federal agents to U.S. cities sits on flimsy legal standing.
COVID-Related Fiscal Issues Could Become New Excuse to Privatize Drinking Water
A Philly suburb wants to sell its water as a “path to financial stability,” offering a glimpse of a post-COVID society.