Palestine Today Interview with Ramzy Baroud and Adam Keller
With Harry Fear and Kathleen Wells: we speak with Palestinian author Ramzy Baroud about the disunity crisis and Israeli activist Adam Keller about Israel's occupation policies.
Israeli Exceptionalism at the United Nations
Israeli officials mistakenly dismiss criticism as the product of an u2018anti-Israel bias.u2019 But when a state agrees to uphold certain universal human rights and then fails to do so …
‘I Sold My Sister for 300 Dollars’
Palestinian refugees reduces to immense poverty are forced to sell young family members into arranged marriages for money.
Statement on Resignation of Palestinian Negotiations Team
In reference to the latest reports concerning the resignation of the Palestinian negotiations team from the final status negotiations, the PLO u2013 Negotiations Affairs Department would like to announce …
When Falsehoods Triumph: Why A Winning Palestinian Narrative Is Hard To Find
It is no wonder why Palestinians are still struggling to tell the world such a simple, straightforward and truthful story.
Max Blumenthal’s Goliath, Life and Loathing in Greater Israel Part I
On Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay, author Max Blumenthal discusses his new book and traces the rise of Avigdor Lieberman and current policies of ethnic cleansing in Israel.
Author Max Blumenthal Offers Unfiltered View Into Israel’s Commitment to Ethnic Supremacy
Journalist Max Blumenthal offers a rare and unfiltered lens into the hideous implications of Israel's commitment to Jewish supremacy.
Netanyahu’s Scheme for Palestine
This geopolitical line dance ignores Netanyahuu2019s stomping on the Palestinians, as Max Blumenthal tells Dennis J Bernstein.
The Desert of Israeli Democracy: A Trip Through the Negev Desert Leads to the Heart of Israel’s National Nightmare
The Prawer Plan is a blueprint for the expulsion of 40,000 indigenous Bedouin citizens of Israel from their ancestral Negev Desert communities that promised to “concentrate” them in state-run, …
The Survival of the Palestinian People Is Itself a Form of Resistance
In this last segment of Reality Asserts Itself with Rania Masri, Paul Jay asks why she considers Israel the “enemy” state; the one state solution; and the possibility of …