The Economic Destruction of Gaza
In an incisive analysis of the plight of Palestinians, journalist Ali Abunimah offers lucid insight into a people denied a national identity.
The Michigan Defeat; the Michigan Victory – Keeping the Issue of Palestine Alive on Campus
Whether the Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) movements on campuses are successful, they are raising awareness.
Appeals Court Upholds Olympia Food Co-op’s Boycott of Israeli Goods
Today, the Washington State Court of Appeals affirmed the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by five members of the Olympia Food Co-op against current and former members of the …
Bill Defunding Universities With Ties To Israel Boycotters Dies In Committee: Watered Down Condemnation Appears In Maryland State Budget Bill
As the Maryland General Assembly completed its work on the state budget bill, legislators inserted language that weakly condemns the American Studies Association (ASA) decision to boycott Israeli academic …
Mr. Rosenberg’s Conundrum – An Analysis
Those seeking a genuine democratization of Israel are encouraged by the past dismantlement of apartheid South Africa. But Rosenberg will have none of this either.
Victims of the Occupation
Since the resumption of the US-brokered direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority on 29 July 2013, Israeli occupation forces have killed forty-seven Palestinians.
Changing Israel From Without
For decades, one-sided support for Israel distorted US perceptions and policies in the Middle East. Only recently has the pro-Zionist narrative faced significant challenge, including protests against the abuse …
A Revolution Unraveled: Abdullah al-Arian on Egypt After Morsi
The Egyptian counter-revolution is well-established, with disastrous consequences not only for Egyptians, but also for Palestinians.
BDS: Non-Violent Resistance to Israeli Occupation
A system based on inequality and oppression cannot survive.
Egypt’s Security Concerns Compound the Deterioration of the Lives of Civilians of Gaza
It would seem impossible that the lives of the people of Gaza could get worse, but indeed they have.