Drug Arrests on the Rise Under Trump
Marijuana arrests increased for the second year in a row, despite legalization in four states.
Trump’s Marijuana Task Force Ordered to Ignore Data That Show Positive Impacts
New documents reveal that the Trump administration plans on waging a fierce war against marijuana.
Bipartisan Bill Would Set Record Straight on Legal Marijuana
Stigma and misinformation linger in Congress and the Justice Department.
Amendment in Farm Bill Bans People With Drug Convictions From Hemp Industry
No other crop grown in the US faces these kinds of restrictions.
A Public Bank for Los Angeles? City Council Puts It to the Voters.
The push for a publicly-owned bank in California comes amid an influx of money generated by the cannabis industry.
ALEC Task Forces Gather in Michigan to Draft Bills for Corporate Sponsors
The agenda includes education privatization, measures to please fossil fuel companies, marijuana companies, and more.
Top Democrats Embrace Marijuana Reform Ahead of Midterm Elections
Democrats are using weed as a wedge issue.
Could a Berniecrat Running on Marijuana Reform Become the First Black Woman Governor?
She hopes to win by educating voters on the issues.
A Marijuana-Related Charge Can Still Impact Somebody for Life
CounterSpin Interview with Art Way on pot decriminalization.
Recriminalizing Cannabis Is Worse Than 1930s “Reefer Madness”
Sessions' proposed crackdown on legal marijuana looks worse than reefer madness.