
A Right-Wing Myth About Planned Parenthood Could Hurt Florida’s Fight Against Zika
Efforts to fight Zika have been stymied by the talking point that Planned Parenthood isn't an essential service provider.

Florida Town Proposes a Ban on Super PACs — What Could Happen?
Not only would the ordinance get big money out of St. Petersburg elections, but it could lead to a legal clash ending super PACs.

Climate Denier Marco Rubio Clueless on Florida Toxic Algae
Rubio now wants the federal government to bail his state out of the crisis that his science denial has helped to create.

The United States: Land of Terrorists and Massacres
Historical records remind us that the murders in Orlando, unfortunately, do not constitute the largest domestic mass murders.

Florida Cracks Down on Troubled For-Profit Facility for People With Disabilities
ProPublica published an investigation last year into abuse at the facility owned by the for-profit company AdvoServ. Now, changes are being made.

Exploiting the Nightmare of Orlando
The problem with the narrative Orlando massacre as terrorism is that it doesn't hold up when we look at it more closely.

Roadblocks to Restoring the Everglades
Funding tensions, water pollution slow down the most ambitious ecosystem restoration plan in the world.

Mourning on Ramadan: Breaking My Fast With Queer Muslims After the Orlando Shooting
Safe spaces are needed now more than ever given the oppressive systems that are bearing down on Muslims and queers.

Rejecting Islamophobia as a Queer Latina in the Wake of the Orlando Shooting
We must reject Islamophobia. The same culture of hate that denigrates Muslims also fosters homophobia and racism in US society.

American Ugliness: Queer and Trans People of Color Say “Not in Our Names“
In the face of Islamophobia, queer and trans people of color are lifting our voices above the din of “terror.”