
The No-BS Inside Guide to the Presidential Vote Recount
The Green Party recount will expose the truth about ballots deemed “unreadable” by robotic voting machines.

A Thanksgiving Ode to John Horse and the Black Seminoles
John Horse and the Black Seminoles secured the first Emancipation Proclamation after rebelling against the white establishment.

Marijuana, Corporate Power Among the Ballot Questions Facing Southern Voters
Voters in seven Southern states are considering a total of 38 ballot measures this year.

Will Immigrant Voters in the South Make Their Voices Heard This Election?
New immigrant voters must be mobilized to be a considerable force this election.

Woman Whose Sentence Was Commuted Is Still in Prison, Thanks to Florida Prosecutor
Donella Harriel could technically be living closer to her family in Port St. Lucie, Florida right now.

Polling Places in Police Stations? Why Civil Rights Groups Are Still Fighting for Voting Rights
Like too much of this campaign season, the debate over voting rights is steeped in partisan politics and racism.

Did Trump Use His Foundation to Reward or Punish Attorney Generals?
When controversy over Trump University popped up, Trump thought a few donations could smooth things over.

No Other Way Than to Struggle: The Farmworker-Led Boycott of Driscoll’s Berries
When the farmworkers demanded a collective bargaining agreement, the supervisors sent in the police.

Florida State Attorney Who Oversaw Trayvon Martin and Marissa Alexander Cases Is Defeated in Primary
In Florida, State Attorney Angela Corey has been defeated in her re-election bid.

Black Lives Matter Movement Resulted From Prosecutor Throwing George Zimmerman Case
This Black life, Trayvon Martin's, did not matter to George Zimmerman, nor law enforcement.